On this page:
- Appendix A: Letters Patent
- Appendix B: Amendments to Letters Patent
- Appendix C: List of public submissions
- Appendix D: List of responsive submissions
- Terms of reference 1–2
- Terms of reference 3–6
- Endnotes
- Appendix E: List of witnesses at the Commission’s hearings
- Appendix F: List of parties with leave to appear
- Parties with standing leave
- Parties with specific leave
- Appendix G: List of stakeholders consulted by the Commission
- Law enforcement, intelligence and justice agencies and courts: Australian jurisdictions
- Law enforcement, intelligence and justice agencies: International jurisdictions
- Prosecuting authorities: Australian and international jurisdictions
- Bar associations
- Law societies, institutes and councils
- Legal profession bodies
- Police oversight, integrity and anti-corruption agencies: Australian and international jurisdictions
- Academics, research institutes and experts: Australian and international jurisdictions
- Other Victorian stakeholders
- Appendix H: List of people who worked with the Commission
- The Commission
- Counsel Assisting the Commission
- Solicitors Assisting the Commission
- Key suppliers
Appendix A: Letters Patent
Appendix B: Amendments to Letters Patent
Appendix C: List of public submissions
In February 2019, the Commission invited members of the public and organisations to make written submissions relevant to the Commission’s terms of reference. Submissions received by the Commission were treated as public, anonymous or confidential.
While the Commission’s preference was to make submissions publicly available, there are various reasons why this was not always possible, including the author’s preference for the treatment of their submission; the need to protect the safety of the author or other individuals; and legal reasons such as restrictions on the publication of information subject to a public interest immunity claim or court suppression orders.
In total, the Commission received 157 submissions. Of those, 65 were treated as public submissions and are listed in the table below. Some of these were published to the Commission’s website.
The remaining 92 submissions were treated as anonymous or confidential. The Commission was unable to consider submissions that did not fall within the scope of the terms of reference. As such, these submissions are not listed in the table below.
Submission number | Name of submitter |
Submission 002 | Mr Christos Matheas |
Submission 003 | Mr Dale O’Sullivan |
Submission 004 | Mr Jan Visser |
Submission 006 | Dr Olivia Ljubanovic |
Submission 007 | Mr Dragan Arnautovic |
Submission 008 | Community Advocacy Alliance Incorporated |
Submission 011 | Mr Antony (Dritan) Fezollari |
Submission 012 | Mr David Ryan |
Submission 021 | Mr Peter Lalor |
Submission 023 | Emeritus Professor Adrian Evans et al |
Submission 024 | Mr Brendan Moss |
Submission 026 | Mr Thomas Maule |
Submission 039 | Mr Andrew Hodson and Ms Mandy Leonard |
Submission 040 | Mr Robert Hynninen |
Submission 041 | Mr Faruk Orman |
Submission 042 | Mr David Horin |
Submission 046 | Mr Rohan Brown |
Submission 054 | Mr Zlate Cvetanovski |
Submission 058 | Mr Pasquale Barbaro |
Submission 059 | Dr Craig Minogue |
Submission 061 | Mr John Glascott |
Submission 062 | Mr Gerrit Schorel-Hlavka |
Submission 063 | Mr Tony Kellisar |
Submission 064 | Mr Sean Sonnet |
Submission 067 | Mr William (Bill) Robertson |
Submission 074 | Mr Anastasios Papadopoulos |
Submission 079 | Mr Paul Dale |
Submission 082 | Mr Peter S |
Submission 083 | Mr John Patrick Ford |
Submission 085 | Mr Francesco Madafferi |
Submission 087 | Mr Salvatore Agresta |
Submission 090 | Mr Jamie Sumner |
Submission 091 | Victorian Bar |
Submission 097 | Criminal Bar Association, Victoria |
Submission 098 | International Commission of Jurists, Victoria |
Submission 099 | Law Institute of Victoria |
Submission 100 | Mr Raymond Hoser |
Submission 101 | Australasian Institute of Policing |
Submission 102 | Deakin Law Clinic |
Submission 104 | Ms Kimberley Risson |
Submission 108 | Mr John Quail |
Submission 109 | Mr Manfred Ulrich Kobert |
Submission 111 | Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission |
Submission 112 | Victoria Legal Aid |
Submission 114 | Mr Stephen Gavanas |
Submission 116 | Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner |
Submission 117 | Adjunct Professor Colleen Lewis |
Submission 123 | Mr Stephen Asling |
Submission 128 | Mr Giovanni Polimeni |
Submission 130 | Professor Clive Harfield |
Submission 138 | Mr Anthony (Tony) Smart |
Submission 139 | Dr James Saleam |
Submission 140 | Mr Brody McDonald |
Submission 142 | Director of Public Prosecutions, Victoria |
Submission 143 | Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions |
Submission 144 | Victoria Police |
Submission 145 | Victoria Legal Aid |
Submission 146 | Law Institute of Victoria |
Submission 147 | Criminal Bar Association, Victoria |
Submission 149 | Mr Stephen Macras |
Submission 150 | Mr Denys Goldthorpe |
Submission 154 | Supreme Court of Victoria |
Submission 155 | Mr Matt Tomas |
Submission 156 | The Honourable Douglas Drummond, QC |
Submission 157 | Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission |
Appendix D: List of responsive submissions
Section 12 of the Inquiries Act 2014 (Vic) (Inquiries Act) enables a royal commission to conduct its inquiry in any manner it considers appropriate, subject to the requirements of procedural fairness, its Letters Patent and the Act.
Section 36 of the Inquiries Act requires that when a royal commission proposes to make a finding that is adverse to a person, it has to be satisfied that the person:
- is aware of the matters on which the proposed finding is based
- has had an opportunity, at any time during the inquiry, to respond to those matters.
A royal commission must consider a person’s response (if any) before making a finding that is adverse to the person, and must fairly set out the person’s response in its report.
Terms of reference 1–2
In June 2020, Counsel Assisting the Commission produced written submissions to the Commission in relation to terms of reference 1 and 2.1 In those submissions, Counsel proposed findings they considered were open to the Commissioner to make. They also detailed their examination of 124 cases that may have been affected by Victoria Police’s use of Ms Nicola Gobbo as a human source.
To acquit its obligations under sections 12 and 36 of the Inquiries Act, the Commission provided affected people and organisations with copies or relevant extracts of Counsel Assisting submissions and invited them to make submissions to the Commission in response (known as ‘responsive submissions’).
After publishing Counsel Assisting submissions and responsive submissions to its website, the Commission also invited further submissions from:
- members of the public who considered that they may be adversely affected by those submissions
- organisations and people who had already made a responsive submission, to respond to submissions made by others.
In September 2020, Counsel Assisting produced reply submissions to address some key issues raised in responsive submissions.2 The Commission received further submissions from affected people and organisations in response to those reply submissions.
The Commission received 45 responsive submissions in relation to terms of reference 1 and 2, two of which were treated as confidential and were unable to be published to the Commission’s website or listed below. The remaining 43 responsive submissions are listed in the table below.
Submission | Date of submission |
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission | 7 August 2020 |
Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria | 7 August 2020 |
Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria | 11 September 2020 |
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission | 15 September 2020 |
Mr Alan Saric | 7 August 2020 |
Mr Alan Woodhead | 7 August 2020 |
Mr Antonios (Tony) Mokbel (annexure) | 13 August 2020 |
Mr Antonios (Tony) Mokbel | 14 August 2020 |
Mr Cameron Davey | 7 September 2020 |
Mr Carmelo Falanga | 7 August 2020 |
Ms Christine Nixon, APM | 30 August 2020 |
Mr Francesco Madafferi | 6 August 2020 |
Mr Giovanni Polimeni | 6 August 2020 |
Mr Graham Ashton, AM, APM | 7 August 2020 |
Mr Jeffrey (Jeff) Pope | 8 September 2020 |
Mr John Higgs | 7 August 2020 |
Ms Nicola Gobbo | 14 August 2020 |
Ms Nicola Gobbo | 8 September 2020 |
Mr Paul Dale | 21 July 2020 |
Mr Paul Mullett, APM and Mr Noel Ashby, APM | 29 July 2020 |
Mr Paul Mullett, APM and Mr Noel Ashby, APM | 7 September 2020 |
Officer Pearce (a pseudonym) | 7 August 2020 |
Mr Peter Lalor | 21 July 2020 |
Officer Richards (a pseudonym) | 6 August 2020 |
Mr Salvatore Agresta | 6 August 2020 |
Mr Shane O’Connell | 9 October 2020 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM | 18 August 2020 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM | 28 August 2020 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM | 7 September 2020 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM3 | 9 October 2020 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM (response to Solicitors Assisting)4 | 9 October 2020 |
Mr Solon (Sol) Solomon | 7 September 2020 |
Six former officers of the Source Development Unit:
| 7 August 2020 |
Six former officers of the Source Development Unit:
| 2 September 20205 |
Victoria Police (specified former and current officers):
| 17 August 2020 |
Victoria Police7 | 24 August 20208 |
Victoria Police (annexure: specified individual officers):
| 24 August 202010 |
Victoria Police (McGrath statement)11 | 31 August 2020 |
Victoria Police (specified former and current officers):
| 8 September 2020 |
Victoria Police (six former officers of the Source Development Unit)12 | 8 September 2020 |
Victoria Police13 | 6 October 2020 |
Victoria Police (specified former and current officers):
| 9 October 2020 |
Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office | 8 September 2020 |
Terms of reference 3–6
In September 2020, the Commission provided Victoria Police and The Police Association with relevant extracts of the Commission’s draft final report that may have been considered adverse to their interests and invited them to make responsive submissions. The Commission also provided the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of Public Prosecutions with relevant extracts of the Commission’s draft final report and invited them to respond.
The Commission received four responsive submissions in relation to terms of reference 3–6, as listed in the table below.
Director of Public Prosecutions, Victoria | 15 September 2020 |
The Police Association of Victoria | 11 September 2020 |
Victoria Police | 20 September 2020 |
Victoria Police | 28 September 2020 |
1 Chris Winneke, Andrew Woods and Megan Tittensor, ‘Counsel Assisting submissions with respect to Terms of Reference 1 and 2’, Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants (26 June 2020).
2 Chris Winneke, Andrew Woods and Megan Tittensor, ‘Counsel Assisting reply submissions with respect to Terms of Reference 1 and 2’, Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants (21 September 2020).
3 This submission was made in response to Counsel Assisting reply submissions.
4 This submission was made in response to a letter to Mr Overland from Solicitors Assisting the Commission dated 1 October 2020.
5 This submission is dated 2 September 2020 but was provided to the Commission on 7 September 2020.
6 Victoria Police refers to this submission as its ‘Tranche 1 submissions’ dated 17 August 2020.
7 Victoria Police refers to this submission as its ‘Tranche 2 submissions’ dated 25 August 2020.
8 This submission is dated 24 August 2020 but was provided to the Commission on 25 August 2020.
9 This submission was annexed to Victoria Police’s ‘Tranche 2 submissions’ and was made on behalf of the 22 current and former officers of Victoria Police listed.
10 This submission is dated 24 August 2020 but was provided to the Commission on 25 August 2020.
11 This submission was made on behalf of Victoria Police and relevant individuals in relation to the Thomas Case Study in Counsel Assisting submissions. It addresses a statement made by Mr McGrath (a pseudonym), a person referred to in the Thomas Case Study.
12 This submission was made by Victoria Police in response to the submissions of six former officers of the Source Development Unit.
13 This submission was made by Victoria Police in response to Counsel Assisting reply submissions.
14 This submission was made by Victoria Police on behalf of the individual former and current officers of Victoria Police who filed ‘Tranche 1’ submissions (save for Superintendent Jason Kelly) and Inspector Mark Hatt. It was made in response to Counsel Assisting reply submissions.
Appendix E: List of witnesses at the Commission’s hearings
During its inquiry, the Commission held 129 days of hearings and heard evidence from 82 witnesses in public and private hearings. The Commission held private hearings or closed parts of its hearings to protect the safety of certain witnesses and affected persons.
The names of witnesses who appeared at public hearings are listed below. These hearings, or parts of the hearings, were open to the public and streamed on the Commission’s website. Transcripts and exhibits from the Commission’s public hearings were also published on the website.
Some witnesses were assigned pseudonyms to protect the sensitivity of information, the witness’ safety or reputation, or because the Commissioner considered it appropriate to do so pursuant to section 26 of the Inquiries Act 2014 (Vic).
For Victoria Police officers, the list below gives either their role at the time of their appearance at the hearing(s), their rank at the time they left Victoria Police and/or the capacity in which they were called as a witness before the Commission, unless their role is the subject of a non-publication order.
Witness | Role | Hearing date(s) |
Officer Black (a pseudonym) | Former handler and acting controller, Victoria Police | 14 March, 22–25 October and 29 October 2019 |
Mr Neil Paterson, APM | Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 27–29 March and 9 May 2019 |
Mr Trevor Ashton | Inspector, Victoria Police | 29 March 2019 |
Mr John Gibson | Former Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police | 29 March 2019 |
Mr Michael Holding | Former Senior Constable, Victoria Police | 29 March 2019 |
Mr Peter Trichias | Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 29 March, 20 June and 25–27 June 2019 |
Mr Timothy (Tim) Argall | Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 1 April and 18 June 2019 |
Mr Rodney Arthur | Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 1 April 2019 |
Mr Gavan Segrave | Detective Inspector, Victoria Police | 1 April 2019 |
Mr Jeffrey (Jeff) Pope | Former Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 1–2 April 2019, 19 February 2020 |
Officer Kruger (a pseudonym) | Former officer, Victoria Police | 2 April and 8 May 2019 |
Confidential witness | Former officer, Victoria Police | 16 April 2019 |
Mr Mark Bowden | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 16 April 2019 |
Mr Wayne Strawhorn | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 30 April–1 May 2019 |
Mr Martin Allison | Inspector, Victoria Police | 1 May 2019 |
Mr Steven Martin | Former Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police | 1 May 2019 |
Mr Christopher Notman | Former Inspector, Victoria Police | 1 May 2019 |
Mr David Bartlett | Detective Senior Constable, Victoria Police | 2 May 2019 |
Confidential witness | Registered general practitioner | 8 May 2019 |
Mr Peter De Santo | Former Commander, Victoria Police | 9–10 May 2019 |
Mr Charlie Bezzina | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 14 May 2019 |
Mr Terry Purton | Former Commander, Victoria Police | 14 May 2019 |
Ms Liza Burrows | Detective Senior Constable, Victoria Police | 15 May 2019 |
Mr Robert Hill | Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 15 May 2019 |
Mr Wayne Cheesman | Inspector, Victoria Police | 16 May 2019 |
Mr Kevin Sheridan | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 16 May 2019 |
Mr George Tapai | Former Inspector, Victoria Police | 16 May 2019 |
Mr Andrew (Murray) Gregor | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 17 May 2019 |
Mr Stephen Campbell | Former Detective Senior Constable, Victoria Police | 21 May 2019 |
Person 12 (a pseudonym) | Former client of Ms Nicola Gobbo | 21–22 May 2019 |
Mr Paul Dale | Former Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police | 22 May, 17 June, 21 June and 25 June 2019 |
Mr David Miechel | Former Detective Senior Constable, Victoria Police | 22 May 2019 |
Mr Jason Kelly | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 19–20 June 2019 |
Mr Scott Mahony | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 19 June 2019 |
Mr Andrew Allen, APM | Former Superintendent, Victoria Police | 26 June 2019 |
Mr Mark Hatt | Acting Inspector, Victoria Police | 27–28 June 2019 |
Mr Philip Swindells | Former Inspector, Victoria Police | 27 June 2019 |
Mr Nigel L’Estrange | Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 28 June 2019 |
Mr Paul Rowe | Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police | 28 June, 1 July, 12–13 November and 19 November 2019 |
Mr Stuart Bateson | Commander, Victoria Police | 1–2 July, 19–22 November, 28 November and 2 December 2019 |
Officer Sandy White (a pseudonym) | Former controller, Victoria Police | 30–31 July, 1–2 August, 5–8 August, 15–16 August, 19–23 August, 2–3 September and 5 September 2019 |
Mr Gavan Ryan | Former Detective Inspector, Victoria Police | 9 and 13–15 August 2019 |
Officer Paige (a pseudonym) | Former officer, Victoria Police | 13 August 2019 |
Mr James (Jim) O’Brien | Former Detective Inspector, Victoria Police | 3–6 and 9–10 September 2019 |
Officer Peter Smith (a pseudonym) | Former handler, Victoria Police | 10–12 September 2019 |
Officer Fox (a pseudonym) | Former handler, Victoria Police | 12–13 and 18 September 2019 |
Mr Mark Porter | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 18–20 September 2019 |
Mr Dale Flynn | Inspector, Victoria Police | 20 September and 30 September– 4 October 2019 |
Officer Green (a pseudonym) | Former handler, Victoria Police | 4 and 8 October 2019 |
Mr Anthony (Tony) Biggin | Former Superintendent, Victoria Police | 9–11 October 2019 |
Officer Richards (a pseudonym) | Former handler and acting controller, Victoria Police | 11 and 21–22 October 2019 |
Mr Boris Buick | Inspector, Victoria Police | 29–30 October, 1 November and 11–12 November 2019 |
Mr Cooper (a pseudonym) | Former client of Ms Nicola Gobbo | 31 October 2019 and 24 January 2020 |
Mr Craig Hayes | Detective Sergeant, Victoria Police | 12 November 2019 |
Mr Bickley (a pseudonym) | Former client of Ms Nicola Gobbo | 18 November 2019 |
Mr John O’Connor | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 27 November 2019 |
Mr Dean McWhirter | Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 2 December 2019 |
Mr John (Jack) Blayney, APM | Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 2–3 December 2019 |
Mr Douglas (Doug) Cowlishaw | Former Inspector, Victoria Police | 3 December 2019 |
Mr Rodney (Rod) Wilson | Former Superintendent, Victoria Police | 4–5 December 2019 |
Mr Paul Sheridan | Detective Superintendent, Victoria Police | 5 December 2019, 7 February and 12 February 2020 |
Mr Graham Ashton, AM, APM | Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police | 9–11 December 2019 |
Mr Thomas (Luke) Cornelius, APM | Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 12 December 2019, 23–24 January and 29–30 January 2020 |
Sir Kenneth (Ken) Jones, QPM | Former Deputy Commissioner, Victoria Police | 13 December 2019 |
Mr Simon Overland, APM | Former Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police | 16–20 December 2019 and 21–23 January 2020 |
Ms Christine Nixon, APM | Former Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police | 18 December 2019 |
Mr Findlay (Fin) McRae | Executive Director of Legal Services, Victoria Police | 30–31 January and 3–5 February 2020 |
Ms Nicola Gobbo | Former barrister and human source | 4–7 and 11 February 2020 |
Mr Kenneth (Ken) Lay, AO, APM | Former Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police | 10 February 2020 |
Mr Thomas (a pseudonym) | Former client of Ms Nicola Gobbo | 10 February 2020 |
Mr Paul Hollowood | Superintendent, Victoria Police | 12 February 2020 |
Mr Steven (Steve) Smith | Detective Inspector, Victoria Police | 12–13 February 2020 |
Mr Stephen (Steve) Waddell | Former Inspector, Victoria Police | 13 February 2020 |
Mr Ronald (Ron) Iddles, OAM, APM | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 13–14 February 2020 |
Mr Timothy (Tim) Cartwright, APM | Former Acting Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police | 14 and 18 February 2020 |
Mr Stephen (Steve) Leane, APM | Former Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 18 February 2020 |
Mr Shane O’Connell | Former Detective Senior Sergeant, Victoria Police | 18 and 21 February 2020 |
Mr Tim Johns | Sergeant, Victoria Police | 20 February 2020 |
Mr Dannye Moloney, APM | Former Assistant Commissioner, Victoria Police | 20 February 2020 |
Mr John Nolan | Commander, Victoria Police | 21 February 2020 |
Ms Wendy Steendam, APM | Deputy Commissioner, Victoria Police | 7 May 2020 |
Sir Jonathan (Jon) Murphy, QPM, DL | Professor, Advanced Policing Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom | 13 May 2020 |
Appendix F: List of parties with leave to appear
The Commission’s hearings were held between 15 February 2019 and 13 May 2020.
People or organisations (or their legal representatives) who wanted to take part in those hearings had to apply to the Commission for ‘leave to appear’.
In some cases, the Commission granted ‘standing leave’, enabling parties to participate in most of the Commission’s hearings. In other cases, the Commission granted specific leave, enabling parties to participate in parts of the Commission’s hearings (for example, on certain hearing days, in relation to certain witnesses, or as part of certain directions hearings). In some cases, the Commission also granted parties leave to cross-examine specific witnesses.
The Commission received 182 applications for leave to appear, relating to 72 individuals. Of these, the Commission granted 63 parties leave to appear. These parties are listed below.
Parties with standing leave
Mr Graham Ashton, AM, APM | Represented by Corrs Chambers Westgarth Counsel: Mr Andrew Coleman, SC, Mr Tim Game, SC, Mr Peter Silver |
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission | Represented by the Australian Government Solicitor Counsel: Ms Sashi Maharaj, QC |
Australian Federal Police | Represented by Clayton Utz |
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions | Represented by the Australian Government Solicitor Counsel: Ms Anna Mitchelmore, SC, Ms Catherine Fitzgerald, Mr Daniel Holding, Ms Astrid Haban-Beer, Ms Rosalind Avis |
Director of Public Prosecutions and the Office of Public Prosecutions (Victoria) | Represented by the Office of Public Prosecutions Counsel: Mr Christopher Caleo, QC, Mr Patrick Doyle, Ms Kateena O’Gorman |
Former officers of the Source Development Unit – Officers Black, Fox, Green, Peter Smith, Sandy White and Wolf (pseudonyms) | Represented by Tony Hargreaves & Partners Counsel: Mr Geoffrey Chettle, Ms Lucy Thies |
Ms Nicola Gobbo | Represented by MinterEllison Counsel: Mr Peter W Collinson, QC, Mr Rishi Nathwani |
State of Victoria | Represented by Gilbert + Tobin Counsel: Dr Catherine Button, SC, Mr Christopher McDermott, Mr Timothy Goodwin, Mr Liam Brown, Mr Graeme Hill |
Victoria Police | Represented by Corrs Chambers Westgarth Counsel: Mr Saul Holt, QC, Mr Justin Hannebery, QC, Ms Renee Enbom, SC, Ms Karen Argiropoulos |
Parties with specific leave
Mr Salvatore Agresta | Represented by Condello Lawyers |
Mr Stephen Asling | Represented by Stary Norton Halphen1 Counsel: Mr Matthew Goldberg |
Mr Andrews (a pseudonym) | Represented by Moray & Agnew Lawyers Counsel: Mr Christopher Tran |
Mr Dragan Arnautovic | Represented by Patrick W Dwyer Lawyers |
Mr Noel Ashby, APM | Represented by Stephens Lawyers & Consultants Counsel: Ms Julie Condon, QC, Ms Ruth Shann |
Australian Broadcasting Corporation | Represented by Macpherson Kelley Counsel: Mr Sandy Dawson, SC |
Mr Pasquale Barbaro | Represented by Theo Magazis & Associates Counsel: Mr Christopher Wareham |
Mr Cooper (a pseudonym) | Represented by Fayman Lawyers Counsel: Mr Malcolm H Thomas, Ms Emily Clark |
Mr Zlate Cvetanovski | Represented by Galbally Parker |
Mr Paul Dale | Represented by Gordon Legal Counsel: Mr Geoffrey Steward |
Department of Home Affairs | Represented by Australian Government Solicitor Counsel: Ms Shanta Martin |
Mr Jacques El-Hage | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Carmelo Falanga | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Kevin Farrugia | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Evangelos Goussis | Represented by James Harris Lawyers Counsel: Dr Mark Gumbleton, Mr Adam Chernok |
Mr Gregory (a pseudonym) | Represented by Chris McLennan & Co Barristers and Solicitors Counsel: Mr Christopher Terry |
Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd, Nationwide News Pty Ltd, Nine Network Australia Pty Ltd, The Age Company Ltd, Seven Network (Operation) Pty Ltd | Represented by Macpherson Kelley |
Mr John Higgs | Represented by Stephen Andrianakis & Associates Counsel: Ms Caitlin Dwyer |
Mr Andrew Hodson and Ms Mandy Leonard | Represented by Robinson Gill Lawyers Counsel: Dr Kristine P Hanscombe, QC and Ms Kate Bowshell |
Mr Ronald (Ron) Iddles, OAM, APM | Represented by Galbally & O’Bryan Lawyers Counsel: Mr Robert Richter, QC |
Mr David Ilic | Represented by Garde Wilson Lawyers |
Mr Rabie (Rob) Karam | Represented by Garde Wilson Lawyers |
Mr Peter Lalor | Represented by Kenna Teasdale Lawyers Counsel: Mr Geoffrey Steward |
Mr Francesco Madafferi | Represented by Condello Lawyers Counsel: Ms Lucy Kirwan |
Mr Antonios (Tony) Mokbel | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers Counsel: Mr Richard Maidment, QC |
Mr Horty Mokbel | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Kabalan Mokbel | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Milad Mokbel | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Ms Zaharoula Mokbel | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Mr Paul Mullett, APM | Represented by Stephens Lawyers & Consultants Counsel: Ms Julie Condon, QC, Ms Ruth Shann |
Mr Shane O’Connell | Represented by Corrs Chambers Westgarth Counsel: Ms Siobhan Kelly, Ms Holly Jager |
Mr Faruk Orman | Represented by Robinson Gill Lawyers Counsel: Ms Stephanie Wallace, Ms Carly Lloyd |
Mr Simon Overland, APM | Represented by Corrs Chambers Westgarth Counsel: Mr Jeffery Gleeson, QC, Ms Georgie Coleman |
Person 12 (a pseudonym) | Represented by Furstenberg Law |
Mr Jeffrey (Jeff) Pope | Represented by Arnold Bloch Leibler Counsel: Mr Murugan Thangaraj, SC |
Officer Richards (a pseudonym) | Represented by Kenna Teasdale Lawyers Counsel: Mr Andrew Purcell |
Mr Pasquale John Sergi | Represented by May Lawyers Counsel: Mr Lachlan Molesworth |
Mr Solon (Sol) Solomon | Represented by Sparke Helmore Lawyers |
Mr Wayne Strawhorn | Represented by Galbally & O’Bryan Lawyers Counsel: Mr Peter Morrissey, SC |
Mr Thomas (a pseudonym) | Represented by Pica Criminal Lawyers Counsel: Mr Jason Pizer, QC, Mr Ashley Halphen |
Mr David Tricarico | Represented by Sarah Tricarico Lawyers |
Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office | Represented by Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office |
Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner | Represented by Colin Biggers & Paisley Lawyers |
Mr Saverio Zirilli | Represented by Nicholas James Lawyers Counsel: Mr Adam Chernok |
1 While Mr Asling was represented by Stary Norton Halphen at the time he was granted leave to appear, he was later represented by Melasecca Kelly Zayler in relation to other Commission processes.
Appendix G: List of stakeholders consulted by the Commission
The Commission greatly benefited from consultations with 97 agencies and experts who shared their views and experience on matters related to the terms of reference.
Six of these consultations were informal or were treated confidentially. The remaining 91 consultations are listed in the tables below.
Law enforcement, intelligence and justice agencies and courts: Australian jurisdictions
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission |
Australian Federal Police |
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation |
Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria |
New South Wales Crime Commission |
New South Wales Police |
Northern Territory Police |
Queensland Police |
South Australia Police |
Supreme Court of Victoria |
Tasmania Police |
Victoria Police |
Western Australia Police |
Law enforcement, intelligence and justice agencies: International jurisdictions
Criminal Cases Review Commission, United Kingdom |
Drug Enforcement Administration, United States |
Home Office, United Kingdom |
International Association of Chiefs of Police, United States |
Metropolitan Police, United Kingdom |
National Crime Agency, United Kingdom |
New Zealand Police |
Police Scotland |
Police Service of Northern Ireland |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Prosecuting authorities: Australian and international jurisdictions
Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions |
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scotland |
Crown Prosecution Service, United Kingdom |
Director of Public Prosecutions, Victoria |
Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Australian Capital Territory |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, New South Wales |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Queensland |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, South Australia |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Tasmania |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia |
Bar associations
Australian Bar Association |
Australian Capital Territory Bar Association |
Bar Association of Queensland |
Criminal Bar Association, Victoria |
New South Wales Bar Association |
Northern Territory Bar Association |
Victorian Bar |
Law societies, institutes and councils
Law Council of Australia |
Law Institute of Victoria |
Law Society of New South Wales |
Law Society of South Australia |
Legal profession bodies
Legal Profession Board of Tasmania |
Legal Profession Conduct Commissioner, South Australia |
Legal Services Commission, Queensland |
Legal Services Council |
Office of the Legal Services Commissioner, New South Wales |
Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner |
Police oversight, integrity and anti-corruption agencies: Australian and international jurisdictions
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity |
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Commonwealth Ombudsman |
Corruption and Crime Commission, Western Australia |
Crime and Corruption Commission, Queensland |
Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, United Kingdom |
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, United Kingdom |
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland |
Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission, Victoria |
Independent Commission Against Corruption Northern Territory |
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, South Australia |
Independent Office for Police Conduct, United Kingdom |
Independent Police Conduct Authority, New Zealand |
Integrity Commission, Tasmania |
Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office, United Kingdom |
Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, New South Wales |
Office of the Independent Police Review Director, Canada |
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner |
Ombudsman Northern Territory |
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland |
Public Interest Monitor, Victoria |
Victorian Ombudsman |
Academics, research institutes and experts: Australian and international jurisdictions
Dr Adrian James, Liverpool John Moores University |
Professor Alexandra Natapoff, University of California |
Emeritus Professor Arie Freiberg, Monash University |
Australian New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency |
Adjunct Associate Professor Dr Charl Crous, APM |
College of Policing, United Kingdom |
Mr Garry Dobson |
Dr John Buckley |
Professor Sir Jonathan (Jon) Murphy, QPM, DL, Liverpool John Moores University |
Associate Professor Pamela Henry, Edith Cowan University |
Mr Peter Collins |
Dr Thomas Smith, University of the West of England |
Other Victorian stakeholders
Appendix H: List of people who worked with the Commission
The Honourable Margaret McMurdo, AC was Commissioner and Chairperson of the Commission. From December 2018 until February 2019, she was supported by Mr Malcolm Hyde, AO, APM as Commissioner.
The Commission
Many people were employed by or worked with the Commission at various times between 13 December 2018 and 30 November 2020. Those who agreed to be named in this final report are listed below.
Name | Position | Time period |
Ms Heather Ameen | Executive Assistant | December 2018 to March 2020 |
Ms Kathryn Bannon | Director, Office of the Commissioner | December 2018 to June 2020 |
Ms Selena Bateman | Senior Policy and Research Officer | July 2020 to November 2020 |
Ms Sophie Brown | Senior Policy and Research Officer | April 2019 to May 2020 |
Mr David Butler | Director, Operations | December 2018 to November 2019 |
Ms Sally Cameron | Executive Assistant | December 2018 to October 2020 |
Ms Jaina Cao | Senior Policy and Research Officer | February 2020 to July 2020 |
Mr Mark Carmody | Business Services Officer | February 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Tony Gaylard | Project Manager, Policy and Research | September 2019 to February 2020 |
Ms Sophie Halewood | Principal Policy and Research Officer | February 2019 to December 2019 |
Ms Christine Howlett | Special Adviser | February 2019 to January 2020 |
Ms Saba Kapur | Public Enquiries and Hearings Officer | February 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Kylie Kilgour | Chief Executive Officer | December 2018 to November 2020 |
Mr Anthony Lawrie | Special Adviser, Policy and Research | June 2020 to November 2020 |
Ms Jessica Low | Director, Policy and Research | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Clare Malone | Project Director | December 2018 to September 2020 |
Mr John Maloney | Consultant, Policy and Research | May 2020 to November 2020 |
Ms Tracey Matters | Director, Media and Communications | December 2018 to November 2020 |
Ms Sophie Nevell | Strategic Adviser, Policy and Research | July 2020 to October 2020 |
Ms Mary Polis | Consultant, Policy and Research | March 2020 to November 2020 |
Mr Craig Pollitt | Senior Intelligence Analyst | April 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Neil Robertson | Consultant, Policy and Research | September 2020 to November 2020 |
Ms Joanna Rolfe | Principal Policy and Research Officer | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Hana Shahkhan | Senior Policy and Research Officer | March 2019 to June 2020 |
Ms Rachel Skillington | Senior Policy and Research Officer | April 2019 to February 2020 |
Ms Lena Sokolic | Senior Policy and Research Officer | April 2019 to March 2020 |
Mr Michael Stanton | Consultant | April 2020 to November 2020 |
Mr Michael Stefanovic, AM | Director, Investigations | March 2019 to October 2020 |
Ms Catherine Tobin | Principal Policy and Research Officer | March 2019 to May 2020 |
Ms Kirstie Twigg | Assistant Director, Policy and Research | February 2019 to June 2020 |
Mr Oliver Way | Chief Procurement Officer/Director, Operations | December 2018 to November 2020 |
Ms Amanda Wilczynski | Principal Policy and Research Officer | January 2020 to September 2020 |
Ms Helen Wilson | Senior Investigator | April 2019 to July 2020 |
Counsel Assisting the Commission
Name | Position | Time period |
Mr Chris Winneke, QC | Counsel Assisting | January 2019 to October 2020 |
Ms Penelope Neskovcin, QC | Counsel Assisting | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Megan Tittensor, QC | Counsel Assisting | January 2019 to October 2020 |
Mr Andrew Woods | Counsel Assisting | January 2019 to October 2020 |
Mr Sandip Mukerjea | Counsel Assisting | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Michael Allen | Counsel Assisting | March 2019 to June 2020 |
Mr Israel Cowen | Counsel Assisting | April 2019 to June 2020 |
Ms Natalie Kaye | Counsel Assisting | April 2019 to June 2020 |
Solicitors Assisting the Commission
The Commission was supported by its solicitors from the firm Holding Redlich, Melbourne.
Name | Position | Time period |
Ms Alicia Cox | Paralegal | April 2019 to September 2019 |
Ms Alana Giles | Senior Associate | January 2019 to July 2020 |
Ms Tamara Gugger | Paralegal | August 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Jyoti Haikerwal | Graduate | August 2019 to February 2020 |
Ms Kylie Hall | Special Counsel | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Gemma Hannah | Lawyer | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Caleb Hooke | Paralegal | April 2019 to November 2019 |
Ms Nicola Horrell | Executive Assistant | January 2019 to April 2019 |
Ms Isabelle Kiss | Paralegal | June 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Rana Kurban | Paralegal | May 2019 to October 2020 |
Ms Trisha Lingard | Associate | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Benjamin Mann | Paralegal | May 2019 to June 2020 |
Mr Michael Manoria | Lawyer | September 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Harrison Morley | Paralegal | March 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Jessica Nelson | Paralegal | March 2019 to August 2019 |
Mr Alexander Norrish | Lawyer | March 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Daniel O’Connor | Lawyer | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Mikaela Ogier-Luxa | Paralegal | September 2019 to June 2020 |
Mr Liam Price | Paralegal | September 2019 to February 2020 |
Ms Lucy Prowse | Associate | January 2019 to March 2020 |
Mr Howard Rapke | Managing Partner | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Tess Simpson | Paralegal | January 2019 to January 2020 |
Ms Katerina Stevenson | Associate | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Mr Damian Terbiler | Paralegal | May 2019 to September 2019 |
Ms Alexandra Tighe | Partner | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Sophie Timms | Paralegal | January 2019 to January 2020 |
Ms Nicci Urwin | Senior Legal Assistant | April 2019 to November 2020 |
Ms Rhiannon Zarro | Lawyer | January 2019 to November 2020 |
Key suppliers
The Commission thanks its key suppliers.
ASG Group |
Caraniche at Work |
Complete Office Supplies |
Console Concepts |
Deloitte Australia |
Epiq Australia |
Finsbury Green |
Graham Nicholas |
Holding Redlich |
Isentia |
Kapish Services |
Logical Services |
Luminary |
RSM Australia |
Shearwater Solutions |
Single Digital Presence |
The Information Access Group |
The Streaming Guys |
Woo Design Group |

Reviewed 08 December 2020